The Benefits of Philip Hallawell Visagism for a Professional

The biggest change in the world in the last 50 years has been the achievement of the right and freedom to make choices. This applies to everything around us, from the products and services we consume, to how we want to lead our lives, to our principles and values, and to how we want to visually present ourselves and behave.

Through social media we all gain a way to express our thoughts, emotions, and experiences.

On the other hand, we are in the difficult process of exercising this right, which has become an obligation. The problem is that education has not changed in this regard. We are not taught to make choices, reflect, and know how to acquire knowledge to take advantage of this incredible evolution in society. And the companies or individuals that sell products or services do not know, for the most part, how to offer choices, either because the technology does not exist for that, or because they are working within an outdated paradigm and an outdated business model. And because of that, many consumers are dissatisfied.

Customization and the end of Standardization

Therefore, the great trend in all markets is what is called customization - personalization in the offering of products and services. Companies such as Google, in ​​advertising and information distribution, Dell computers, and Amazon, in the sale of products, which allows you to assemble your product, among others, have achieved this and obtained great advantages and leadership in their market.

In the area of ​​beauty, it is the Philip Hallawell Visagism that fits this trend.

Professionals in this area, who practice Visagism Philip Hallawell, do not work with standards of beauty, or with standardized solutions, derived from fashion trends. It seeks solutions that reveal what is unique about its customers, adapting fashion trends to the style of each one.

Your service is personalized. It analyses your client to identify their physical characteristics - positive and negative - and their personality, as they know what the shape of the face, the shapes and proportions of the features, the skin colour and other physical characteristics reveal about the temperament. This analysis allows you to identify what makes each person unique.

The in-depth analysis allows for a differentiated and personalized relationship with your client, in which you seek to know their lifestyle, their professional and personal activities, their needs and specific situations in each moment of their life. Customers, when they get to know Philip Hallawell Visagism, are surprised and delighted. The realization that their image reveals so much of themselves makes them value the conscious and guided creation that only the visagist can.

The creation of the concept, or basic idea of ​​what you want to express with the image, is done by the client, with the help of the visagist. It involves a deep reflection on the part of the client, which will be continued when they leave the salon. It is up to the professional to transform this concept into an image. He can only be considered a true visagist if he has mastery of visual language, as well as mastery of cutting, colouring and make-up techniques. The knowledge of visual language allows you to consciously create, without relying solely on your intuition and your visual intelligence. He knows what lines, colours, shapes, and other visuals express and how to use them to create the image the customer wants. He also knows how to explain to the client what he intends to do, why he chose a particular solution, how the image will affect his behaviour and how it will be perceived by others.

Fig.1 The Observation Process: the image is processed by the emotional brain, which recognizes the lines, shapes, and colours, which are archetypal symbols, whose meanings everyone understands in the same way.

a imagem é processada pelo cérebro emocional, que reconhece as linhas, formas e cores, que são símbolos arquetípicos, cujos significados todos compreendem da mesma maneira.

Knowledge about the Power of Image

The visagist must make his clients aware of the power of the image. Recent neurobiological research proves that every image creates an emotional impact before its meaning is rationally understood. That is why it is said that first impression counts. Lines, shapes, and colours have fixed meanings, intuitively understood in the same way by all people, regardless of their culture or race, but they act on emotion and not reason. The image of a person, therefore, affects the people, with whom he relates emotionally, creating positive or negative sensations. But it also affects the person himself, his behaviour, and his self-esteem.

The visagist, by knowing the visual language, knows what a given image will express and how it will affect a person's relationships and self-esteem.

The benefits that Philip Hallawell Visagism brings to the professional, therefore, are numerous. Clients value his work much more, have much more confidence in the procedures indicated by him, because they are grounded in knowledge, and he himself has greater confidence. Every job is unique, and your creativity is constantly being exercised, which provides greater pleasure and avoids routine. Philip Hallawell Visagism transforms the beauty professional into an artist. He feels fulfilled because he sees that he is creating beauty and well-being and is benefiting his clients in all spheres of his life.

Fig.2 Customer satisfaction results in loyalty.

Loyalty and Satisfaction Growth

In the commercial sphere, this translates into a significant differential. All surveys show that around 70% of beauty service customers are dissatisfied with the results and information provided. 90% want to have a consultancy. The consequence is that, worldwide, loyalty is below 20%. On the contrary, those who work with the concept of Visagism Philip Hallawell, with all his clients, have between 70 and 90% loyalty and realize that they tend to use his services more often, because they are aware of the importance of personal image. They understand that, for each occasion, it is necessary to have an adequate image and how important it is to be treated by a visagist. They are also aware that the image must reflect the changes that occur throughout their lives. They start to invest in their visual identity and not simply spend money in search of a beautiful image. For all these reasons, your clients indicate your services to others with pleasure, confidence, and enthusiasm.

Finally, Philip Hallawell Visagism offers opportunities for professionals, especially with companies, to take care of their employees' image.

My greatest pleasure is to see the results of the work of a professional who applies the knowledge of Visagism Philip Hallawell, which I transmit in my courses and in my book. It starts with the person's joy of seeing themselves beautiful, but more than that, of seeing themselves as an individual, with a unique image that reveals the best of who they are to themselves and to the world. And then, seeing how they were benefited.

Philip Hallawell Visagism is exciting because it can transform lives.

₢Philip Hallawell

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Copyright © 2025 Visagism Philip Hallawell. Images and text are protected by copyright law and may not be used without the express authorisation of the author. Quotations from the text must be accompanied by the appropriate credits.


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