Terms and Conditions of the Complete Philip Hallawell Visagism Course

Terms and Conditions of the Complete Philip Hallawell Visagism Course

Terms and Conditions of the Complete Philip Hallawell Visagism Course


  1. Visagismo e Artes Serviços e Empreendimentos Ltda., registered with the CNPJ under number 08.737.044/0001-00, headquartered at Alameda Carolina 528, Terras de São José, CEP 13306-410, Itu, SP.
  2. The company’s trade name is Centro de Visagismo Philip Hallawell.


  1. The name of the course is The Complete Image ID Visagism Course
    1. Philip Hallawell prepared all the content, with methodology created by him, based on scientific and artistic studies.
    2. The course is by remote learning and all lessons are pre-recorded.
    3. The video presentations, articles, texts, exercises, and the methodology are intellectual creations and protected by copyright, by Law 9,610, Art. 7, and cannot be used, for educational or commercial purposes, or reproduced in any media, without the express authorization of the author.
    4. It is forbidden to film, photograph, or record, in any medium, the presentation of the course.
    5. Knowledge, theories, techniques, and information are free to use, as long as Philip Hallawell and his works are cited as sources of knowledge. The teaching method, however, is an intellectual creation, protected by Copyright Law, and cannot be copied.
  2. The course will be presented in eight modules, which will be available to the student for a period of 01 (one) year.
    1. Each module contains video lessons.
    2. The modules should be studied following the presentation.
    3. At the end of each module there will be a test. To move on to the next module, the student will have to get at least 60% of the questions right. This test is intended to prevent the student from jumping forward, which would impair their understanding of the concept and the method. In addition, it allows the students to assess their progress in the course.
    4. The test can be taken as many times as the student needs.
    5. After passing the test, the students will be able to access the module whenever they want and in the order they want.
  3. The course includes 60 recordings of lives.
  4. Each module contains additional texts, articles, and exercises in PDF format.
  5. Each module contains a forum, where students can post questions, which will be answered by Philip Hallawell or his team.
  6. The course lecturer is Philip Hallawell.
  7. The language of the course is Brazilian Portuguese. In the future, versions in other languages ​​may be developed.
  8. There will be participation of other professionals selected at the discretion of the makers of the Complete Visagism Course Philip Hallawell, as a bonus.
  9. There is no restriction on recording and disclosing a student's participation in the course, as long as it does not include any course material.
  10. Books authored by Philip Hallawell are not included in the course but are recommended to be purchased.
  11. Books authored by Philip Hallawell and others, including the bibliography of these books, can be purchased at www.visagismo.com.br, in partnership with Amazon.
  12. Upon completion of the course, there will be a final test to assess student achievement. To be eligible for the Philip Hallawell Centre for Visagism Certificate, a student must complete at least 70% of the questions correctly.


  1. A student is considered to be anyone who has enrolled in a class of the Philip Hallawell EAD Complete Visagism Course and paid the course fee.
  2. The course is open to anyone over the age of 18, in any country.
  3. There are no prerequisites for technical knowledge or aesthetic procedures.
  4. To participate in the course, the student is required to have enrolled in the course, during the enrolment release period.
  5. The registration period will be for a limited time and will not be extended.


  1. Enrolment in the course will be made through the website www.visagismo.com.br
  2. Payments will be made by credit card, according to the plan chosen by the student, in a secure site.
      1. Refunds or cancelations will be made to the credit card used to register.The student will have the right to withdraw from the course up to 14 days after access to the course, with the right to a full refund of the amounts paid.
      2. The student must request a refund via e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
  3. Enrolment in the course is not transferable to another person or to another date.
  4. The invoice will be issued in the name of the student or another Financial Officer (individual or legal entity), indicated when enrolling in the course.


  1. The purpose of the course is to teach the Philip Hallawell Visagism method and enable students to put it into practice immediately after the course.
    1. Mastering the method requires putting it into practice.
    2. Mastering the method enables the student to develop the applied visual art of creating a customized personal image.
    3. The Philip Hallawell Visagism Centre does not suggest or imply that the Philip Hallawell Visagism method is used to conduct emotional, psychological, or medical therapies by anyone who is not a therapist or certified physician.
    4. Use of the method by health professionals and physicians is subject to approval by the class councils to which they belong.
    5. The student will receive support during the course through the WhatsApp and Facebook groups, created exclusively for each class, by Philip Hallawell and his team, during the period of two months after the course launches.
    6. Doubts and questions regarding the content of the course must be made in these groups and will not be answered individually, because the doubt of one helps the other as well.
    7. Questions of a strictly personal nature should be made by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
    8. Upon completion of the course, the student will have ongoing support, by the exclusive group for professionals who have participated in complete courses on Visagism Philip Hallawell, face-to-face or online (EAD) Visagism Philip Hallawel (sic) on the Facebook social network.
    9. The responsibility for putting the method into practice rests solely with the student.
    10. The Philip Hallawell Visagism Centre does not guarantee the application of the method. This depends on the ability and effort of each student.
    11. When a professional feels that he has mastered the entire process of facial analysis, conducting a consultancy, and adapting the image according to the intention established by the client, he can apply for accreditation as a Image ID Expert and appear in the Directory of the website www.visagismo.com. br. (see more here)
  2. The course is streamed in Brazilian Portuguese, spoken by Philip Hallawell.
    1. Philip Hallawell or whoever he formally appoints are the only ones qualified and authorized to teach ImageID Visagism.
    2. The Image ID Visagism method is an intellectual creation by Philip Charles Hallawell, protected by the Copyright Law, and was deposited at the National Library of Brazil.
    3. This restriction does not apply to demonstrating the use of Image ID Visagism, giving lectures on the subject, or giving interviews, as long as credit is given to Philip Hallawell.
    4. We recommend that, in these cases, the professional have experience and mastery of the application of the method, and to have been accredited as an Image ID Expert.
      1. Responsibility for errors and misuse of the teachings of the course is integral to the student.
      2. Professionals may only use texts and images from the website www.visagismo.com.br, or from the books Visagismo: harmony and aesthetics, Integrated Visagismo: identity, style, and beauty and À Mão Livre – the visual language, with the express authorization of the company Visagismo e Artes Serviços e Empreendimentos Ltda. and Editora Senac SP
  4. Students are not authorized to speak on behalf of Philip Hallawell or the Philip Hallawell Visagism Centre.
Copyright © 2025 Visagism Philip Hallawell. Images and text are protected by copyright law and may not be used without the express authorisation of the author. Quotations from the text must be accompanied by the appropriate credits.


55-11-97130-6102 Itu - São Paulo - Brasil